Holmes Harbor Rod & Gun Club
3334 E Brooks Hill Road
Langley, WA
22 Rimfire Multi-Gun Event
HHR&GC will be having a 22 Rimfire Multi-Gun event. It will feature 4 stages with an assortment of paper, steel and moving targets utilizing both rifle and pistol. All that is required to shoot this event is a 22 semi-auto pistol and a 22 semi-auto rifle with at least two 10 rd. magazines for each.
Each of the 4 Stages will require a minimum of 20rds. if you don’t miss. 150 rds. are recommended.
There will be two divisions: “Limited” iron sights and 10 rd. mag limits for both pistol & rifle. “Open” any sights (scope or dot) and no round limit on mags.
If you’ve never shot a “Run & Gun” type event this is the one to try. Mandatory instructional meeting & safety briefing before the match and experienced shooters to help you out. No holster required, all firearms are staged or start “low ready”.
- Registration 9-9:30am
- Mandatory Safety Briefing 9:30am
- Match starts at 10:00am
- Entry fee $20