Metallic Silhouette Match Details

  • HHR&GC silhouette matches are an arcade style competition shot in banks of 5 targets at distances of 40 (chickens), 50 (pigs), 75 (turkeys) and 100 (rams) yds. The time limit is 2’30” for all five shots on a bank with a target reset after all firing is complete. A complete match is 40 shots.
  • Targets are metallic animal cutouts that are shot off a rail. Matches can be shot with a wide variety of firearms. A typical match includes “cowboy” lever action in pistol cartridges, various scoped and non-scoped rim fire pistols and rifles and centerfire pistol cartridges.
  • Come join us for a fun and entertaining activity!
  • Set up and signup for each match begins at 8:30 AM. Start time for shooting the match is at 9 AM. Entry fees are collected for each match shot ($10 for first match, $5 for subsequent matches)
  • We will score each match with a first place award when there are three or more shooters in a gun class. Second place will be awarded if there are four or more shooters in a gun class.
  • Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. The match director may exclude any firearms causing target damage.
  • The following categories of guns can be shot from standing position only – Most use ½ scale targets:
    • Cowboy Rifle, center fire, pistol cartridge: Lever, falling block or pump action rifle with iron sights. Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.
    • Cowboy Rifle, .22 LR: Lever, falling block or pump action rifle with iron sights. ½ scale targets.
    • .22LR Rifle, Any Sight: Any style action rifle of .22LR with any style of sight. Smaller 1/5 scale targets are used on this class.
    • .22LR Pistol, Any Sight: Any handgun (except bolt action) with any style of sight permitted, no barrel restrictions. ½ scale targets.
    • .22LR Pistol, Iron Sight: Any handgun (except bolt action) with iron sights, no barrel restrictions. ½ scale targets.
    • Center Fire Pistol, Any Sight: Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Any style of sight permitted and use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.
    • Center Fire Pistol, Iron Sight: Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges using iron sights such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.

Club Silhouette Championship

  • There are four eligible matches (6/15, 7/7, 8/17, 9/15) and the top three match scores from those matches will be included in a tally to create an aggregate total score. Prizes will be awarded to the shooters with the top aggregate scores.
  • Contact:
    • Pete Furman
      • HHR&GC Silhouette Match Director
      • tallfurs at

Historical Event Results