HHR&GC silhouette matches are an arcade style competition shot in banks of 5 targets at distances of 40 (chickens), 50 (pigs), 75 (turkeys) and 100 (rams) yds. The time limit is 2’30” for all five shots on a bank with a target reset after all firing is complete. A complete match is 40 shots.
Targets are metallic animal cutouts that are shot off a rail. Matches can be shot with a wide variety of firearms. A typical match includes “cowboy” lever action in pistol cartridges, various scoped and non-scoped rim fire pistols and rifles and centerfire pistol cartridges.
Come join us for a fun and entertaining activity!
Set up and signup for each match begins at 8:30 AM. Start time for shooting the match is at 9 AM. Entry fees are collected for each match shot ($10 for first match, $5 for subsequent matches)
We will score each match with a first place award when there are three or more shooters in a gun class. Second place will be awarded if there are four or more shooters in a gun class.
Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. The match director may exclude any firearms causing target damage.
The following categories of guns can be shot from standing position only – Most use ½ scale targets:
Cowboy Rifle, center fire, pistol cartridge: Lever, falling block or pump action rifle with iron sights. Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.
Cowboy Rifle, .22 LR: Lever, falling block or pump action rifle with iron sights. ½ scale targets.
.22LR Rifle, Any Sight: Any style action rifle of .22LR with any style of sight. Smaller 1/5 scale targets are used on this class.
.22LR Pistol, Any Sight: Any handgun (except bolt action) with any style of sight permitted, no barrel restrictions. ½ scale targets.
.22LR Pistol, Iron Sight: Any handgun (except bolt action) with iron sights, no barrel restrictions. ½ scale targets.
Center Fire Pistol, Any Sight: Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Any style of sight permitted and use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.
Center Fire Pistol, Iron Sight: Limited to center fire straight wall or slightly tapered pistol cartridges using iron sights such as: .32-.20, .25-.20, .22 Hornet, .22 WMF, .357 or .44 magnum, and .45 Colt. Use lead core bullets to protect the integrity of the targets. ½ scale targets.
Club Silhouette Championship
There are four eligible matches (6/15, 7/7, 8/17, 9/15) and the top three match scores from those matches will be included in a tally to create an aggregate total score. Prizes will be awarded to the shooters with the top aggregate scores.